
Food, Deer, Family: An Afternoon with Jane Wong
And I’d like to write them if I can, for like a long spell. It feels almost like a dream state. There’s some surreal things in that long poem. I love long poems. I’m always a sucker for long poems. I don’t know what it is. Long labors are fruitful.

Off-Kilter: A Conversation with Kevin Wilson
You have to be prepared to say that the failure is worth it if it means at the end of it, you have something you can be proud of.

Balancing Beauty and Horror in Dreaming of You: In Conversation with Melissa Lozada-Oliva
I mean, I say this so much in interviews, but whatever, I really like the line between horror and beauty. The same reason you’re so captivated by a beautiful painting is the same reason you want to look at a car crash.

From Texas, With Love or Something Like It: An Interview with Stacey Swann
It’s easy to give up on writing or move away from it for five years and come back, but when you keep other writers in your life, it just makes it more likely that you’ll keep writing because you’re still in those conversations.

Being Your Full Self on the Page: A Conversation with Poet Aimee Nezhukumatathil
I wanted to show in World of Wonders that you can be your full authentic, true self on the page and still have an encyclopedic knowledge about flowers, plants, rocks, and crystals.

A Look into Girls That Never Die with Safia Elhillo
Poetry has always been about community for me. This might be because I started off on slam teams, but I have no interest in being a poet alone. I only want to be a poet among other poets and among my loved ones and among my community. So find your people, take care of them, and let them take care of you. Ask for help and let them ask you for help. Edit their poems, let them edit your poems, and read to each other. Celebrate each other’s work!

Listening with Joy Harjo
We’re at a time when there’s this reckoning, a kind of cultural and racial reckoning going on in this country. It’s racial and also sexual; over women and then over sexual identity. So, all of this is coming—and then climate change—all of this, all at once.

A Conversation in Kyle, Texas with Novelist Jenny Offill
For me, I often start from the opposite. I start from an emotion. And you’re very right, with Dept., it was this thought of loneliness, and also about how loneliness looks different at different parts of your life. It seems like it’s going to be about whether or not you have someone with you, whether or not the loneliness will go away.