
Two Poems by Nida Sophasarun
At night I think about my mother —
how she no longer inhabits
all the rooms in her body.
I wonder if in her dreams
she walks outside or even flies
over the corrugated roof.

Two Poems by Jillian Weise
When somebody says, “I wake at 5 a.m.,”
they are from New York City, a place
where you need to get out of my way.
Come to my reading. Name my people
and get me wasted. I can’t write
in the same room as Favorite Boy.

Three Poems by Lisa Russ Spaar
A wrist of sticks cut, thrust in water
to force the sweet crease of cherry flosses
& then forgotten now thickens with fur-dross,
greeny on the windowsill through which a neighbor’s
radio pines in Friday-night nostalgia
to the tune of a six-pack of something.

Two Poems by Jill McDonough
Almost home. I ordered Bean Curd
And Broccoli In Black Bean Sauce.
The woman who takes my orders
listened, nodding, conjured
characters on a lined green ORDERS pad.
She spoke to three idle chefs: white aprons, white
paper hats. They rose and moved, one
to the rice, the white and red cartons.