Caleb Ozovehe Ajinomoh
Caleb Ozovehe Ajinomoh was a finalist for the 2020 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and has attended a residency at Art Omi, New York.
His work appears in The Masters Review, QZ, The Offing, Necessary Fiction, Adda, AFREADA, CircleShow, AWP Writers’ Chronicle, and the Goethe Institute anthology: Limbe to Lagos.
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Content by Caleb Ozovehe Ajinomoh

Wahala Visa: An Interview with Nkiacha Atemnkeng
BY Caleb Ozovehe Ajinomoh
I remember leaving the U.S. embassy feeling hurt, sad and very embarrassed after that first rejection, thinking how I’ll never go back there again. But I was also thinking about what James Baldwin once said: “Because you’ve been hurt, you decide to make your talent important.”

Field Notes,
Wahala Visa: On Nkiacha Atemnkeng’s Viral Publication and Encounters with Consular Officers
BY Caleb Ozovehe Ajinomoh
All the sacrifices he had made to earn invitations to reputable artist colonies abroad, only to be rejected by a consular officer with glee. Nkiacha took the embassies’ collective declaration of his unfitness for travel as a writer and poured all his resilience into it.