Emily Fullenwider
Em(Emily) Fullenwider is a current MFA Poetry Candidate at Texas State University. She/They have been in San Marcos for six years and received their BA in Creative Writing at Texas State University. They are a general manager at a local coffee shop outside of school. In their free time, they like to make coffee, relax at the river, have music jams with their friends, attend poetry readings and be lazy with their dogs Keats and Ramona.

Content by Emily Fullenwider

Liner Notes on Self Reclamation: A Review of 808s and Otherworlds by Sean Avery Medlin
BY Emily Fullenwider
What can be found in the liner notes of this book is a young person trying to find their place in the outer world and inner world that exists in their head

Texas State Has an Evening with Poet Forrest Gander
BY Emily Fullenwider
This fall, at Texas State University, I had the opportunity to sit down with Forrest [Gander] to talk about poetry, translation, and language. What transpired was an intimate discussion about experience, practice, recollection, and the impact of translated literature.