Kate Stallworth
Kate Stallworth is an author and scholar of the horror genre. She attended The Evergreen State College for a dual Bachelor of Arts and Sciences and earned an MFA in Creative Fiction from Texas State University in 2024. She is currently pursuing a second MA in Technical Communication while working for Texas State. Kate is currently working on several manuscripts, including a memoir, a queer dark fantasy novel, and a nonfiction book about English horror literature; she is also the co-host and producer of the upcoming literary horror podcast Spinecrackers. Her hobbies include video games, quilting, and cooking for friends and family. Kate has been published in Porter House Review, Southwestern American Literature, and the Emerge anthology, where her work centers on queer, neurodivergent, and disabled experiences.

Content by Kate Stallworth

Field Notes,
The So-Called Horror Genre That Actually Scares Me: A Critique of Cozy Horror
BY Kate Stallworth
Cozy horror troubles me not due to the lack of violent or shocking content, but because its existence illustrates how wildly off-base our current cultural understanding of the horror genre is. Even we avowed horror fans seem to have forgotten our roots.

Kim Fu’s 21st-Century Bestiary
BY Kate Stallworth
Fu paints us pictures of the monsters that loom in the distance of our 21st-century lives that are at times both abstract and clear as day.