Will Pellett
Will Pellett received his MFA in creative writing from Texas State University in 2020. He is currently working on a novel.

Content by Will Pellett

Field Notes,
Artist Spotlight: Nick Perry
BY Will Pellett
Nick and I met in December of 2014 at a holiday party in Lawrence, Kansas. I had just graduated from university and my immediate mission was finding a source of income while keeping my hopes alive of becoming a writer. In the beginning of our collaboration and friendship, we both found common ground in that […]

Horror Vacui & Filling the Negative Space: A Conversation with Artist Nick Perry
BY Will Pellett
Local enthusiasts at community art events in eastern Kansas may recognize Nick Perry’s illustrations as similar to those of Red Legger Studio. Given his pseudonym, it’s fair to assume Perry is part of a collective, yet, Red Legger is a one-man-show. In 2010, fresh out of school with an arts degree and deciding how to […]

“Death to the Bullshit Artists of South Texas” by Fernando A. Flores
BY Will Pellett
Flores is constantly asking himself: What is real art? Is it the band that jams with feel, the boy who builds confidence, the woman who bleeds on stage, or the avant-garde experimenter? Is it accessible or inaccessible? The answer, Flores seems to argue, depends on whether the creator feels it in his soul.