Sara Bechtol
Sara Bechtol earned her BA in English at the University of Iowa and is currently pursuing an MFA at Texas State University. She spends most of her days reading, writing, and crying over Young Adult fiction.

Content by Sara Bechtol

Young Adults on the Rise: On Natalia Sylvester’s “Running”
BY Sara Bechtol
Running’s greatest strength is Mari’s trajectory from observer to partaker in her realization that, even as a young teen, she can make a difference.

Review: “You Know You Want This: Cat Person and Other Stories”
BY Sara Bechtol
Roupenian can make the reader incredibly uncomfortable and disgusted and riveted all at once, her prose settling like the memory of a bad dream. While “Cat Person” is, and might always be, Roupenian’s most well known piece, she’s definitely proven with this collection that she is no one-hit wonder.