The Inside Out

In sculpture class
I learned when
additive processes
you have to
think and work from
the inside out.
Do not, under
any circumstances,
start with skin,
do not succumb
to the allure
of smooth, sexy
skin that fools
the eye,
deceives the mind
for a moment.
It is fleeting,
it will not satisfy,
will not endure.
I will not suffer
was our instructor’s
constant refrain,
our mantra.
Your skeleton
is your framework,
lay in the bones,
the muscles,
the soft tissues.
Roll small bits of clay
to shape the bones
with flared ends,
pressing each into
its proper place.
Put in the work,
understand what
happens inside,
how it relates,
how it supports
form. Feeling without
form is fleeting.
as a movement,
had a very short life.
I’ve relied on our instructor’s refrain at various times
throughout my life . . . without ever telling anyone
about the dent I put in the sole of my figure’s
otherwise anatomically correct left foot.