
Short Story with MFA and Inverted Body
Immediately after graduating from Purdue University with a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, I underwent a surgical procedure in order to invert my body in such a manner that most of my internal organs would be carried on the outside of my skin.

The inside of the home smelled like dust and loneliness. Like when the last owners left, the house never expected anyone new to come live in it.

Coyote Ugly
I wonder what he sees. Does he see me in these eyes? Does he see a reflection of his own nature? Or does he just see an ugly coyote? Whichever it is, he doesn’t try to shove me away. Air whistles through the hole in his neck.

In the Slivers of Doorways
I did my best not to stare as she returned his kiss, this time on the lips. They were so nonchalant about it. My parents never kissed. They never even held hands in public. Was it normal to be this open when showing affection to your spouse? The movies I watched in theaters said yes, but the ones that played at home told me no.

General Holy War
I need to get strong, I think. I do push-ups until I hit ten and do more until I lose count. I do push-ups until my arms can’t work. I stand up again and see myself in the mirror, but I don’t look any stronger. I think hard and long and can’t remember what kind of cigarettes my father smoked.

He and I met on Nishat’s rooftop terrace every day, obscured by the shadows of linens drying on the clothesline, the water tank watching over us like a sentry.

When I was a kid my mother said that I was a fish. Or, if not a fish, some sea creature that she had found washed up on the shore at sunrise.

The first part that fell off was my finger. My pinkie. It floated down the creek after I stooped down to feel the water’s cool flow.