When I Dream of Motherhood

I take refuge in an orchard shadow a woman
————-pressing her finger to a man’s flesh darkness blooms in her shape
————-red sealed rib there is pain & God’s light
every origin story comes with a warning once upon a time
there were sons writing the language of worship lamb wheat
sorrow one son murdered the other & later a tree
sacrificed itself so blood could weep down it slick
& stained was the gnarl of dogwood & deity above me the orchard
beyond me the forest quiet my womb supple
like the rabbit my mother once shunned It reminds me
of a newborn I boil water lead the dream to the knife
the blade hot the womb skinned what’s left
————-is rib
When I wake my tongue bruised by cord I don’t know
about afterlife whatever happens is possible I imagine
eternity a stone under a tree & the sky
so far away